Meaning of 'pattangku'

s. truth, unmai; 2. jests, farces, patangku; 3. a painted cloth, with figures, worn by women.

pattangku peca, to tell lies for sport; to chatter vainly.
pattangkukkari, (masc. -karan), a mischievous woman.

Meaning of பட்டாங்கு

s. truth, உண்மை; 2. jests, farces, படங்கு; 3. a painted cloth, with figures, worn by women.

பட்டாங்கு பேச, to tell lies for sport; to chatter vainly.
பட்டாங்குக்காரி, (masc. -காரன்), a mischievous woman.

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